Road and Bridge

Road and Bridge

The Road and Bridge Department maintains and repairs over 600 miles of paved, gravel, and graded roads in unincorporated Alamosa County.

Other responsibilities include:

  • Patching, paving, potholing, grading. 
  • Mowing and spraying weeds within county right-of-ways.
  • Gravel Road maintenance and dust control.
  • Snow and ice removal.
  • Replacing and repairing culverts and signage.

Ph. (719) 589-6262
8663 South County Rd 109
Alamosa, CO 81101
Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m



Road and Bridge Director
Ronnie Medina


Photo Credit: NPS/Patrick Myers

Road Standards and Permits

The County must approve ALL projects prior to commencement of work.

  • The Permittee shall notify the County Road & Bridge Department as least 24-hours prior to commencing work on the project.
    • The only exception to this provision is in the event of an emergency.
  • Any longitudinal excavation exceeding 300 feet in length within County Right-of-Way shall require an onsite pre-construction meeting with the Road & Bridge Director prior to commencement of work.
  • Permits


Heavy construction equipment

Winter Driving

Driving conditions during Colorado’s winters vary on a daily and sometimes on an hourly basis. Be prepared at all times, especially during the winter months. Below are some safety tips before you get on the road.

  • Keep emergency supplies in your car.
  • Consider not making any trips if your vehicle is in need of major repairs.
  • Make sure you plan your route and let someone know when you head out on the road.
  • Check your vehicle’s tires.
  • Check the road conditions and travel advisories prior to getting on the road.
  • Let the snowplow drivers do their jobs by giving them extra room.
  • Remember even roads that have been treated with liquid de-icers may be slippery.
  • Don’t use cruise control when traveling in winter conditions.
  • Slow down! Driving too fast for winter conditions causes most accidents.
  • Take a little extra time to clear your car of snow and ice before leaving for your destination.
  • When driving at night, keep your headlight beams low.
  • High beams can amplify the appearance of snow and lead to decreased visibility.
  • Always wear your seatbelt.


Cars on road with snow

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Roads are maintained on a schedule but it changes based on the season and other factors such as inclement weather, snow, and other maintenance projects. If you would like to know when your road will be maintained you can call our office at (719) 589-6262. If you have a concern about a particular road, please fill out a Report a Road Issue form.


Alamosa County only maintains roads in the county road system. Not all roads in Alamosa County were formally adopted into the county road system and Alamosa County, by law, can only repair and maintain roads in the county road system.There are many miles of roads that are not maintained by the county, which means no grading or snow plowing, and even some public roads that are not maintained by anyone.


See the State's COtrip website that includes travel alerts, route information, and an interactive map.


If your road is unpaved, it is highly unlikely that Alamosa County will pave it in the foreseeable future. Check carefully with the Alamosa County Road and Bridge Department when any statement is made by the seller of any property that indicates an unpaved road will be paved.


Unpaved roads generate dust when traffic reaches specific levels. Alamosa County does not treat county roads to suppress the dust. Dust is a factor of life for most rural residents. If you reside near unpaved Alamosa County roads, you may be able to obtain a permit from the Road and Bridge Department to treat the road for dust suppression using a county approved contractor at your expense.


In July 1990, the Colorado Legislature passed a bill called the “Colorado Weed Management Act.” This bill requires all landowners to manage noxious weeds on their property.


Alamosa County only removes noxious weeds on county right-of ways. We do not have any resources to help property owners remove weeds on private property at this time. To report a noxious weed concern please submit a Noxious Weed Report or contact the Alamosa County Noxious Weed Officer at (719) 589-3812.



Even though you pay property taxes to the county, the amount of tax collected does not cover the cost of the services provided to rural residents. In general, tax revenues derived from oil and gas production, commercial, industrial, agricultural and forest uses and activities in the County subsidize the lifestyle of those who live in the country by making up the shortfall between the cost of services and the revenues received from rural dwellers.