Environmental Health is an organized approach to addressing environmental issues that impact the health of the population. Three of the main elements of the environment that are monitored include: the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. These factors, and many others, are overseen in order to maintain conditions in which people can enjoy good health. Environmental Health is one of the major components of Public Health.
The Regional Environmental Health Program is based at Alamosa County Public Health and serves Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Rio Grande and Saguache counties. Gary Bruder is the Regional Environmental Health Program Manager. Contact Environmental Health at (719-587-5206 regarding:
- Opening a Retail Food Establishment
- Environmental Health Questions
- Environmental Health Complaints
Temporary Event Application
Plan Review Packet
Mobile Plan Review Packet
Event Coordinator Application
Change of Ownership Packet
Catering Packet
Report a Public Health Concern
If you have a concern about a public or environmental health issue please be prepared with the following information:
- What the concern or complaint is about
- The location of the concern. An exact address is necessary. The owner and occupant of the property or business,
- Including phone number.
- The date and time the problem occurred.
- Your name, phone number and the best time to contact you.
- Retail Food Safety
Environmental Health is responsible for the licensing and inspections for all retail food establishments in Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Rio Grande, and Saguache counties.
Retail Food Safety Fee Schedule
Basic Food Safety Training (5-14 Students) $20.00 per attendee Review of Potential Retail Food Establishment $75.00 (non‐refundable) Pre Operational / Change in Ownership Inspection $75.00 (non‐refundable) RFE Plan Review Application $150.00 (non‐refundable) RFE Plan Review and Pre Opening Inspection $75.00 per hour not to exceed $580.00 RFE Equipment/Product Review Application $100.00 (non‐refundable) RFE Equipment/Product Review $75.00 per hour not to exceed $500.00 RFE HACCP Plan Review (Written) $75.00 per hour not to exceed $100.00 RFE HACCP Plan Review (Operational) $75.00 per hour not to exceed $400.00 RFE Other Services Requested $75.00 per hour RFE Temp Event Plan Review and Inspection $75.00 per hour - Air Quality
Read more information at the State's Air Pollution Control Division. See statewide conditions on the Air Quality Monitoring Map.
- Recreational Water Inspection Program
The Local Recreation Water Inspection Program is currently under development. Please report any health concerns here.
Water Recreation Fee Schedule
Pool/ Spa Inspection $75.00 + $20.00 per additional bodies of water Pool/ Spa Follow up $75.00 per hour Pool/ Spa Plan Review $75.00 Pool/ Spa Pre Opening Inspection $75.00 per hour Pool/Spa Other Services Requested $75.00 per hour - Body Art Program
Environmental Health inspects all body art facilities operating within the counties of Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Saguache and Rio Grande. Body art facilities include any that provide tattoos or piercing.
Body Art Fee Schedule
Body Art Yearly Inspection $75.00 Body Art Follow up $75.00 per hour Body Art Plan Review $100.00 Body Art Pre Opening Inspection $75.00 per hour Body Art Other Services Requested $75.00 per hour - Child Care and School Inspection Program
The Environmental Health Program inspects child care centers, public and private schools and other institutions for children, promoting compliance through education and enforcement.
Rules and Regulations Governing Schools in the State of Colorado
How Sick is too Sick? Read more on guidance for routine discussion about when children and staff should stay home form school or child care.
Childcare Inspection Fee $75.00 Childcare Plan Review $150.00 per hour Childcare Pre Opening Inspection $75.00 per hour School Plan Review $150.00 per hour School Opening Inspection $75.00 per hour Childcare/ Schools Other Services Requested $75.00 per hour
Links to Environmental Health Topics
- Molds are part of the natural environment and can be found everywhere, indoors and outdoors. Mold is usually not a problem unless it begins growing indoors. More information about mold.
- Household Medication Disposal
- Radon - Radon is an invisible, odorless, tasteless, radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soils, rock and water. We encourage people to check the radon levels in their homes.
- The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network:
- A system of integrated health, exposure, and hazard information and data from a variety of national, state, and city sources.
- Bedbugs - We do not investigate bedbug infestations because they're considered a nuisance and not a public health problem. More information about bedbugs EPA:Bedbugs or CDPHE:Bedbugs