Alamosa County DHS Recognized for Excellent Service

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At the closing of the State of Colorado’s 2023 Fiscal Year, the Alamosa County Department of Human Services was recognized for two separate accomplishments. For the third year in a row, Alamosa County DHS received recognition for meeting all three C-Stat Measures as determined by the Colorado Office of Economic Security, Division of Child Support Services.  In the past, Alamosa County had a historically high percentage of disbursements on hold.  The goal is to actually have a low percentage of 4.2% or less of the disbursements on hold. The three C-Stat measures include, case initiation timeliness, review and adjustment timeliness, and payment collections.  Efficiency and productivity in case initiation timeliness is incredibly challenging due to the 20-day window in which these tasks are measured. 

In payment collections, Alamosa County Child Support Case Manager, Grace Lyons identified a case where an obligor (paying parent) was expecting a lumpsum payment from an estate. The estate was about to be settled, and limited time remained. Grace was able to secure a judgement and file a lien that resulted in a family receiving a lump sum payment in the amount of $49,185.  This is the largest lump sum payment received through a manual process by a Case Manager within at least the last ten years, possibly longer. 

     Plaque            Grace Lyons Award